Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hello Whitewater!!

Well, I'm finally down in Whitewater permanently. The cats made the trip very well. They complained a bit, but they are settling nicely now - roaming their new territory. The move over the winter was definitely more traumatic for them. I have half of the car unloaded and the computer set up - bare bones though. No speakers, printer, or scanner. I will work some more tomorow. The rest of the night I will spend surfing the channels before the free cable is gone.


Anonymous said...

hey Deb.... Glad to hear you made it safely ... thanks for the info i will be sure to keep in touch .. good luck and i know you will be great ... ttys Bubba

Anonymous said...

HEY!!! Hope your first days of school are going well. Isn't it fun to be going someplace else other than Nicolet? D