Saturday, September 17, 2005

Well, It's Saturday Night.....

Just got home from an exciting night at the bowling alley (eyes rolling back in head). I can't believe I haven't posted since Monday. Not doing too good on the daily updates... but I will definitely try to post at least once a week... HAHAHA

I had an "interesting" Intro to Theatre class on Friday. After that class, I firmly believe there are people that need to just learn how to SHUT UP! Perhaps, that should be a freshman class... This guy in class just didn't get the difference between theatre and movies/film. He kept arguing with the professor ... I thought I was going to witness Prof T. actually throttle a student. heh heh Finally Prof T. just said, "Enough, I have to move on" and he actually put his hand out to him, like "talk to the hand." I almost burst into laughter.

Today I spent a some hours in Fort Atkinson distributing posters and brochures for the Fall Theatre and Dance season. Blak! It reminds of selling Girl Scout cookies door to door - I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now. But I'm doing it - it's part of the Management/Publicity practicum. Tomorrow I'm heading over to Delavan. At least I'm getting more familiar with the area. I found a cool antique store - I Love Funky's. It's has some really neat stuff in it AND what looks to be, an awesome martini bar on the river bank.... I decided against taste testing this time around.

My time on Thursday in the costume shop was spent sewing a critter hood. It is for the children's play, Peter Rabbit. I believe it was the hood of a rabbit costume - no ears on it yet. During this two hour session, I sat at a sewing machine next to the guy from the previous paragraph - (Mr. I-Don't-Know-When-To-Shut-Up Guy). The conversation I attempted to hold with him should have foreshadowed Fridaty's events. LOL I'm curious now what will happen in class on Monday! :^D

Time to do some more research for a paper .... it's due Monday. Pretty good, eh? I started today - Saturday - two days before it's due! YEAH ME! I'm having a difficult time settling on a topic though ... I keep telling myself "Just pick one dammit!" Oh, well... sometimes it just not that easy. Perhaps it will come to me in my sleep... it happens that way sometimes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO... guy in class sounds like Johnny .. lol... woah flash backs ... hehe ... glad things are going good for you .... sound like fun ... good luck with the job... talk soon .. Bubba