Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Feeling like a guinea pig

Yesterday morning when I woke up I didn't feel right. Nothing hurt, just didn't have much energy. I contributed it to the weekend. But when I woke this morning, I could tell that I'm starting to get sick - got that "extra sensitive" nose, my eyes feel funky, and just a little something in my throat - not quite a tickle, but feeling like I have to clear my throat a lot. I'm fortunate to tell a couple of days out that I'm going to be sick. Nice, eh? Anyways, I decided I'd beef up the Vitamin C and trek to Wal-Mart to buy some ZICAM. I've been seeing the ads on TV but haven't known anyone that has used it. I decided to buy the 'rapidmelt' version instead of the nasal spray or the nasal swabs. YUK! Mistake. Cherry flavored- my butt! There is only a hint of cherry flavor and it reminds me of alum .... really puckers (drys out) the mouth. And you can't eat or drink anything for 15 minutes after! I've taken three doses so far today ... every three hours per instructions. Next time - nasal spray! That is if this stuff really works. I'll be the guinea pig and see if it "actually shortens the cold" as their advertising claims ... although who really knows how long a cold lasts????

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Good Thing or Bad Thing???

So, tonight the bowling alley finally had their "holiday celebration." Before I left the apartment, I looked in my wallet, grabbed some $$$$, and decided I better bring an ID. HaHa I was the first to arrive at the bar, even though I left 10 minutes late. Anyways ... I ordered my drink and then ... finally everyone else arrived. As they ordered their drinks, they were carded, an exercise that I was able to "avoid." (We all know what a "hassle" it is to be carded.) Anyways, as the night progressed most everyone needed to call it an early night for some reason or another. I ended up traveling to other bars with a co-worker. It wasn't until our third stop farther on down the road that as I was finally carded. LOL I loved the response I heard, as I whooped and hollered, "Congratulations, you have to be the oldest person that I've ever carded." Is this a compliment????? I cajoled the bouncer and told him that since I was the oldest person that he's carded he definitely should buy me a drink. LOL Unfortunately, most of the younger "gentlemen" in this town are 'low in funds.' Oh well.... the night wasn't a total loss... I managed to show some skills on the billiards tables and tried to instruct one of the youngsters on the appropriate way to jump a ball.... what a waste of time.... Anyways.... time to call it a night!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Back to school tomorrow...

Classes for Spring Semester:
  • Organizational Behavior - Some management class -- could be interesting
  • Contemporary Drama - Theatre 1950 to Present - Yeah!
  • Intro to Technical Theatre - Lighting, Costumes, Sound, and Set Design (includes 40 hrs in the shops)
  • Non-Profit Arts Management
  • Production Practicum - Publicity Assistant (120 hrs - Focus: Children's Theatre Tour for Fall of 2006 & Ticket Services Employee Manual)

I'm actually looking forward to getting back to "normal." Deadlines and stress seem to be such a part of my life that I become real lazy if they are absent. I didn't get many of my projects crossed off my list over semester break, but they will still be there when I have some spare time during the next months. I did manage to finally read Harry Potter #4 - all 700+ pages - and watch a few movies.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Riddle me this....

These two things should not be used by a person at the same time in their life....

reading glasses AND acne medication

I can I understand the reading glasses since I'm getting older, but I've never in my life have ever had acne! The occasional zit, but never acne! WTH... I've been patiently waiting for the outbreak to go away by itself, but after two months now, I'm convinced that it needs some help. I'm not a stranger to the face care section of Wal-Mart, pondering which eye cream will help those beginning crows feet, but there I was yesterday, trying to figure out what miraculous treatment will fix the bumps on my chin. Luckily, I had a flashback to a conversation I had with my niece this past summer and remembered what she told me she bought and actually worked. There must be some wicked stuff in this acne treatment since it's bleaching my washcloth! LOL I guess time will tell...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Nine days left of break....

Time is flying by.....

I just got home from house managing at the box theatre at the college. The show was completely student driven: written by a student, directed by a student, lights, sets, costumes, everything was dome by students. They have been invited to compete at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival this coming weekend. Two shows are being held to raise money for the trip. Luckily our region - Region III - is in northern Illinois so it's not terribly far. I've decided there is one drawback to the House Manager job... not being able to see the show. :^( Since I'm working the show again tomorrow I won't be able to see it. The audience comments were good, so I'm hoping they do well on Saturday.