Friday, May 19, 2006

Interview Update

Well, I had one of the two interviews scheduled for last week.

The interview with Ticket Services/Box Office didn't happen as the supervisor was AWOL. When I arrived for the interview the lead person told me that the supervisor hadn't been in all day and didn't know when or if she'd be coming in. The appointment was for 1:15 pm and I was the customary 5 minutes early. The lead person told me not to bother sticking around since it she didn't know what was going on, so I left about 1:20 pm. A couple of hours later I had a voice mail that from the supervisor. She apparently had the wrong time written down and that she would get in contact with me next week. Well... the week has come and gone and I haven't heard from her. The more contacts I have with her, or don't have with her, the more I think I don't really want a job there. LOL It's been suggested though that I at least try a semester there as it would "look good on the resume". I guess I'll see how I feel after I actually have an interview.

The interview at Hammer's went well and I start training on Monday after I get done work at the college. They actually have three training days scheduled for me. Jeez ... how much training do they think I need to bartend? LOL They know I've been bartending for over two years now. Oh well, I guess I can't fault them for not giving me enough training. It just a fill-in position, probably one day a week to start out with. Perhaps it will turn into more days a week though by the end of the summer and I can stop working at the bowling alley.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The grades have finally been posted....

All A's -- Woohoo!

My publicity practicum is an incomplete because the Children's Theatre Tour doesn't happen until next fall. It's not a surprise to me though - I'll be working on it through the summer and next semester. At least it doesn't effect my grade point - 4.0!!

Thumbs Up

Friday, May 12, 2006

One year down....

two more to go....

Highlights from this week so far:

  • Received a scholarship for next year "Fero Theatre Management Award for Outstanding Management/Promotions. Pretty cool... It'll help out with the bills.
  • Started secretarial replacement job on Monday. I forgot how much I like typing "projects."
  • Two job interviews this week. Tomorrow afternoon with the Ticket Services/Box Office Department at the University and Saturday morning I'm meeting with the owner of the Hammer's, the local bar that I visit occasionally.
  • Finished all my exams. It looks like I have two A's so far ... two more classes to find out about later next week. I believe they'll be A's also if I didn't blow the final exams in those classes (don't think I did). I'll have an incomplete in my 2 credit publicity production practium, which I expected. I'm coordinating the tour route for the children's play next fall, so I can't finish the job until the show goes on the road the end of October and beginning of November.
  • Didn't get much sleep last night (two hours) and PROMISED myself AGAIN that I wouldn't procrastinate with the homework any more. LOL
Well, good night all ... four hours before I have to be up for work (just got home from working at the bowling alley). Boy I sure got used to being a night owl... LOL

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Quick Update

  • Two more papers to write for this week - a 4-5 page and a 6 page (piece of cake!) Four exams next week - done at 3:00 pm Thursday (woo-hoo!)
  • Next Monday I start working as a replacement secretary for the Assistant Dean at the College of Arts and Communications. It'll be a 4-6 weeks job while the current secretary is on medical leave. Part-time for exam week, then full-time after. Early July sometime I'll be a replacement for the Director of Public Events for the same college. She'll be on maternity leave 8-12 weeks. Don't know specifics on that yet, but it will help supplement the bowling alley since they are only open one day a week during the summer.